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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...FAA wants to  ditch HIWASFAA wants to ditch HIWAS
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8/15/2018 7:58 AM

With all the weather sources available pre-flight and in-flight, I think their time has come and gone.  I listen to them in flight when Center advises of them, but there's no way I can know where "From 65 SSE of GLD to 25 NW of WKS to 10 S of NOW to DCA to ..." actually is, and more times than not it's either outside my flight path or it's above me/below me. With a healthy pre-flight and iFly's excellent decoding and graphical depiction of ADS-B info with SIGMET's, AIRMET's, METAR's, TAF's, and regional/CONUS radar, there should be no way for known flight conditions (turbulence, icing, TS, etc.) to sneak up on a smart pilot.


Jeff Nokomis Clark, Mooney M20G, iFly app on ASUS ZenPad Z8s, ASUS ZenFone AR, ASUS Windows 10 tablet, Stratux ADS-B w AHRS
New Post
8/15/2018 9:20 AM

I couldn't tell you the last time I used it.  Didn't even know it still existed.

New Post
8/25/2018 7:00 AM
I will miss HIWAS - although it's gotten harder and harder to find VOR's that xmit them lately. But I suppose with ADS-B SIGMETS and AIRMETS, largely unneeded anymore. Kinda like calling to talk to a Briefer.

P.S. I might be partially responsible for the way HIWAS stuff is broadcasts. Years ago (20), there was a request for input on how to make HIWAS better. (I got a letter from the head guy. I was about the only one who responded.) At the time, boundary boxes were using what I call "dot towns" to describe their endpoints. That is, little towns on the Chart that the NOAA represented by dots. So the report would read something like "From a line from Hootersville to Pixley ...."

It was fine if you were a local and knew where the towns were. But not so good for transient pilots.

So I suggested that they use NAVAIDS and other aeronautical descriptors that we known by pilots.

But like Jeff points out, I don't recognize all the VORs. Mostly I just listen for ones that I know and figure I'm in trouble when hear one.
New Post
8/29/2018 9:31 AM

Agreed. Virtually useless. Routinely I sit up there and listen to controllers rattle off descriptions of potential weather which pretty much could be summarized as "Possibilities of thunderstorms, some nasty, over Kansas and the Mid West or Florida, and the South, in the summer."


But, then again, I have always thought controllers get paid by the word.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...FAA wants to  ditch HIWASFAA wants to ditch HIWAS