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New Post
10/23/2015 6:22 PM

I don't have a keyboard or monitor. Is there anyway to do this otherwise?

New Post
10/23/2015 6:40 PM

Just use the browser on your mini iPad, or even the browser on another device like your phone (after you select Stratux as your wifi source)

C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
New Post
10/23/2015 7:09 PM

Wow, it's that simple? That's great. I already have an ADS-B in/out SkyGuard transceiver, but I ordered a Raspberry Pi just to play around with it. Should be fun. My friend received his yesterday and brought it over today and we played around with it using my SkyGuard as a 978 target in my family room. We confirmed it will pick up 978 traffic 10 feet away. Actually, we saw another 978 target fly over at 32,000 feet until he got about 15 miles away.

New Post
10/24/2015 9:38 AM

Also, you can "get control" of the Rpi by starting up a text terminal on the PC/tablet/what-have-you and entering,"

ssh pi@" --- if you are using the "stratux" as your wifi server, or

(preferred) "ssh pi@" --- or whatever address range you use when you're not using the "stratux" as your wifi server,

and then when it asks for password for pi, use "raspberry" if you haven't already changed that.

Some people have 10.10.x.x for home addresses. You'll need to find out which one the Rpi is on. Teaching how to do *that* is way beyond the scope of a post like this. I connect mine via a hard-wired ethernet cable as well as the wifi on the Rpi for these tests, so I can use either method for getting control of the Rpi and examining the stratux logs. Lastly, I also connected a keyboard, mouse, and hdmi monitor to it so I can take care of all the routine things besides stratux.

Caution: try to never shutdon the stratux Rpi by simply removing the power. The Rpi is really running a dedicated version of Linux, a full-blown, actual operating system and so should ALWAYS be shutdown with the "shutdown -h now" command before removing power. If you don't you'll corrupt it's filesystem and stratux may stop working altogether or get really wonky on you. I'll make a suggestion to the developers that they add that option to their 'web interface.' In the future, we'll need to add a few more hardware bits so that can be performed automagically in the airplane when the main power is shut off.

New Post
10/24/2015 11:01 AM

Thanks, but this is the sort of thing I wanted to avoid. I did some Google searches and that stuff seems overly complicated. I also don't have a keyboard, mouse, or monitor. I did look at how to connect to a tablet or laptop and it's just more than I wanted to get involved with.

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