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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...iFly 700 Screen IssueiFly 700 Screen Issue
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1/6/2015 11:06 PM
Hello iFly crew, I just updated my iFly 700 and I pulled up the navigation page to play with a route to Oshkosh. I entered the identifiers for the airports where I plan to stop and I then tried to rubber band the route to the town of Ripon. However, when I touched the screen, the sectional starting jumping around frantically and I couldn't hook the course line. I finally got the line hooked and got the waypoint added but I've never seen the screen do anything like that before. Is it possible that my screen is going bad? Sam Washington
New Post
1/7/2015 6:14 AM

Were you using your finger? Often, the screen responds better if you use a stylus of some sort. A Bic ballpoint pen cap with a rounded point works well for me, for instance.

If a stylus isn't available, using a fingernail instead of the pad of your finger might improve your results.

New Post
1/7/2015 12:44 PM


I'd recommend performing a screen calibration using a toothpick or fine point stylus. Calibration can be done from the booth menus or the Screen Setting menus within the iFly Navigation software.

If it does not calibrate and simply moves the touch point in a loop, then I would suggest giving our support team a call so we can get the unit in for extensive testing. I hope this helps.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
7/13/2015 9:13 AM

I to have the same issue with my 700. I was using 9.0.28 and it wouldn't calibrate so I updated to 9.1.28 and it still does not calibrate. I used a tooth pick an d the cursor continues to move around. Sensitivity on this unit is an issue. I down loaded the iPad version an my mini ant it works like it should....actually, it's great. May be the 700 can't tolerate the newer software.

New Post
7/13/2015 1:25 PM

The screen calibration is independent of the iFly software version. It's more likely that the screen on your 700 is going bad. As Shane mentioned above, it's probably worth a call to the good folks at iFly support...there are a couple of tricks they can suggest that may help you get some more life out of your current screen, and if those don't work, they can talk to you about options for repair or replacement.

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