Don Maxwell wrote:
I love that iFly GPS/Adventure Pilot cap, about 14 or 15 down in your photos. Alas, it doesn't seem to be available in the store.
Greetings Don!
The wonderful STAFF and LEADERSHIP at iFly gifted the official flight cap to me for posting 450+ places to go on ADVENTURE PILOT. I had a long list of restaurants, museums, interesting things to see and do from all over the USA on the site, before it regrettably closed down. I am "that guy" who likes to go out and do fun stuff with my airplane and my friends with airplanes!
We have a flying club called the KEYSTONE FLIGHT. Our motto: "The Keystone Flight - an Eating Club with a Flying Problem."
The hats were available with full membership to ADVENTURE PILOT, which I joined in 2007 but ended in 2018 or so...I thought it was a terrific site and used it all the time to go out exploring new areas and airports.
I wish some type of site would come back like that...there are few like it but none as user-friendly.
Regards, Mike N714AJ