c-bob, I split this question into a new thread.
Our intent is to add support for ADS-B to our GPS. This will require the purchase of an ADS-B receiver or transceiver. I saw some non-certified receivers at Oshkosh for less than $1000 - so it seems like prices are trending down quickly. We will publish a list of units that have been tested with the iFly when ready.
Interfacing an ADS-B unit means you will have access to nexrad radar images, METARs, winds & temps aloft, and other cool weather data. It also means you will have access to Traffic information - however the FAA has aid they will only broadcast traffic data for an area if someone is broadcasting via an ADS-B transceiver. This means you may not get traffic when out in the boonies. There is no subscription for ADS-B.
As to how the features will work and how all this data will be accessed is still being determined. As with everything we do, we'll endeavor to keep it simple.
Regarding you ZNY announcement - the FAA is continually rolling out transmission stations for ADS-B. We should have full (or very close to full) coverage by end of 2012.