Barry wrote:
One issue that I have had with flight plans is that as I am making random spots on the map for sight seeing, for example going North, and then when I come back South, it takes one of the points on the northbound leg and moves it to the southbound leg. Anyone have any ideas on that?
I don't quite understand what you are seeing. However, flight plans are directional, and waypoints are generally treated as "forward only" if you pass a waypoint the iFly will switch to the next one, and will not by default every point you to a past waypoint again. However if you modify the flight plan - such as add another waypoint, it will determine the most likely waypoint regardless of past track.
BTW, there is a button on the Flight Plan page "Reverse". If you're ready to turn around and fly home, and you want to go through the same waypoints, hit this button to invert your flight plan.