I found my aircraft registry hex identifier, and put that in yesterday evening, then went flying.
Still not seen any traffic, but where I was there might not have been anyone within 30 miles of me for the brief time I was up. Some things I did observe:
Compared to my Radenna ADSB-in, which I used on top of the glare shield, this set up seems less sensitive. I've mounted the AHRS Sky Radar between my two back seats, with the blade transmitter antenna in an aft window, back above the baggage compartment. The rubber ducky receiver antenna is attached to the Sky Radar box. This likely accounts for the poor sensitivity of the receiver. It does acquire text weather by 1000 MSL, and was finally painting all the NEXRAD echos by the time I reached 2000 MSL. I'm wondering if I need to window mount the receiver antenna as well.
To do that, does anyone know exactly where I can get the correct 3 ft. mini-coax cable with the correct connectors to remote-mount the little duckie antenna to a window? A link to the right product on the web would be great...
One other thing: There is a pretty loud and annoying pop-pop-pop interference getting into my radios from the "squitter" bursts from the transceiver. Has anyone else noticed this, and what has been tried to minimize or eliminate it?