smoke wrote:
Actually, the FAA ADS-B website says "Transmits notices of important flight information, such as temporary flight restrictions or closed runways"
Sure. But it doesn't say "with 100% accuracy and reliability."
Per AIM section 4-5-9.b:
FIS-B does not replace a preflight weather briefing from a source listed in Paragraph 7−1−2, FAA Weather Services, or inflight updates from an FSS or ATC. FIS-B information may be used by the pilot for the safe conduct of flight and aircraft movement; however, the information should not be the only source of weather or aeronautical information. A pilot should be particularly alert and understand the limitations and quality assurance issues associated with individual products. This includes graphical representation of next generation weather radar (NEXRAD) imagery and Notices to Airmen (NOTAM)/temporary flight restrictions (TFR).
Like I said, this is not really news.