Don Maxwell wrote:
Ho! My wife and I were heading SW across the Chesapeake Bay a few years ago, aiming for the gap between the DC airspace and the Pax River NAS Restricted area, when suddenly the GPS signal went missing. Fortunately we knew the compass heading and were able to keep right on flying. But the stakes were rather high that day, and I really didn't want an F-16 escort. Just as suddenly the GPS signal appeared when we got an equal distance past Pax River. When I complained to the NAS, they denied any responsibility. Tsk. Anyway, it was an instructive experience. And your Space Force guy is certainly right about the risk of it all going away if someone gets mad enough at us.
By the way, Mike, have you ever landed at 9D4, Deck? I'm sort of thinking about flying there for lunch in Myerstown with some old (!) high school pals some time.
Yes, I go to DECK when I have to visit the VA there for mandatory medical stuff I usually seek to avoid..anyway, MR. DECK has a wonderful 78 FORD Station Wagon in the garage he lets pilots use, so when I am there and need it, I use it, charge the battery, check the tires, oil and always leave it full of fuel and CLEAN. If you need it, just call and ask but be prepared to jump it with one of those little portalble battery boxes. Also be prepared to get some stares -- it is quite the land shark!
There is a wonderful "throwback" diner in the middle of town (Lebanon) I would recommend - it is like going back into the '60's! Has the little juke boxes on the table and the outside of the place is that diner-metal-exterior you see in postcards from the post-war (WW II) era. (Downtown Lebanon, PA) That town is also known for its' SCRAPPLE and bolonga sandwiches...though I am not that fond of them or "the other gray meat," SCRAPPLE.
So true about GPS -- every time I go to DC I micro-navigate using the needle, ball and alcohol (compass, that is) for fear of losign the GPS! I keep sectionals and the City Charts for all the ones around never know.
Have fun at DECK! Tom is right about GRIMES GOLDEN AGE AIR MUSEUM. This summer, come on up for one of the events and we can meet you there! They just put up a new burger shack on the grass field - it's awesome.
Mike N714AJ