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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Sagetech Clarity ADS-BSagetech Clarity ADS-B
New Post
3/6/2013 10:11 PM

Just a tiny nit. Shouldn't "Aircrafts" (Aircrafts found nearby: 3) be "Aircraft", isn't aircraft both singular and plural?

New Post
3/7/2013 12:24 PM


Good catch. I reported that and it has already been fixed. We are also adding the ability to touch a Traffic symbol and get the full details without having to wait for it to be in the Alert status. Thanks again. I'll be posting more soon.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
3/19/2013 3:08 PM

I truly think the iFly 720 is the perfect "Dedicated Aviation" device to bundle with one or both these devices. We want the iFly to continue to be the most compatible ADS-B portable aviation GPS device. Stay tuned!


You made the above statement in an earlier posting. Why would anyone want both devices (Levil and Clarity).

Also, does the Levil device connect wirelessly to the 720 (wifi or BT).

I'm amazed at the difference in price between the two units. I'm trying to figure out if the features are worth the difference.


New Post
3/19/2013 3:25 PM


I think it was meant iLevel, which is another ADS-B device with an AHRS. Levil Aviation makes a Levil AHRS and an iLevel ADSB/AHRS. You would not need both of these units, but one might use a SkyRadar or non-AHRS ADS-B device with the Levil AHRS. Sorry for any confusion. Levil and iLevil looks very close.

Yes, the Levil will connect to the iFly 720 via Wi-Fi, not Bluetooth.

I woudl suggest that you would want to compare the iLevel with the Clarity SV. We are testing the iLevil now and will have a update shortly. It's a very tight package that offers the abilitiy to connect an external antenna and also has a solar cell for trickle charging the unit. Again, another very impressive unit.

It's a very dynamic market and one would really need to look at all the features each of these companies offer on thier websites and match that up with your individual needs. Don't buy more or something you will never use. The additional features are only worth it if you're going to get good use of them. I hope this helps.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
3/26/2013 9:35 PM


Have you been able to get a screen shot of what the weather screen looks like?

Best regards,

Jim Mantyla

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