Thanks, Brolin -- I have a capable Win10 desktop. I'll probably pick up a cheap stick/throttle (e.g., Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas One) and not worry about rudder pedals. I'm mainly interested in getting my wife some simulated time with iFlyGPS so she can more easily help me when we fly together. (And I didn't want her using the little buttons in the iFlyGPS simulation.) So, nothing fancy is required, and my question is real basic: is the simulated flying occurring 100% on the Windows screen, or 100% on the iFlyGPS screen, or is the iFlyGPS just another device "in the cockpit" when the simulation is showing on the Windows screen? That's what I can't get my head around. Thanks!
P.S. And any comment/suggestion about a better low-cost stick/throttle would be appreciated.
(Apologies to forum users... I would have taken this off-line if I had Brolin's email.)